
Good Morning - BTT x Reader

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Bad Touch Trio x Reader
Good Morning

"Ah…!" You cursed and sat up in bed, holding your hands to your face. Red stuff dripped down your face and your fingers, and you tried not to get any on the sheets, although the pillow was already stained.

"Great. This is really just great," you mumbled to yourself, holding your nose with one hand. One of the few days you get to sleep in, and you were woken up early by a nosebleed.

Was there a better way to start off the day?

"Ah, buenos días, _______!"

"Kesesesese! Nice, _______!"

"Ohonhonhon, what happened this time?"

Oh, look, there it was.

You were sorry you asked.

The man with silver hair was already strutting around your room, and the blonde peeked out from behind the door. The Spaniard was leaning against your wall leisurely with a happy smile.

You blinked and stared at the three of them with wide eyes. "How did you even get in here?" You swore the door was locked. It didn't really matter to you that they were here, though; they had taken to invading your home quite often.

The trio exchanged suspicious-looking glances, and you quickly interrupted. "Wait! I don't want to know," you sighed, finally remembering to hold your bleeding nose closed as it dripped onto your top.

"Well, it was an awesome way!" Gilbert grinned and laughed again, and little Gilbird started chirping with him from somewhere in the mess of silver hair.

"So, what happened here?" France's sultry voice cooed into your ear. You jumped, turned and there he was, sitting on the side of your bed even though he was halfway across the room a split second earlier.

You, a little creeped out, leaned a bit away from the Frenchman. "I-I don't know!"

"A nosebleed!" Antonio pitched-in cheerfully.

"Ah, the awesome one knows!" Gilbert announced. "Japan was telling me about nosebleeds. If you get one, it means you were thinking perverted things!" he said with a smirk, like he thought he was suddenly more superior because he knew such an odd little fact.

"Ohonhon, is that so? So then what were you dreaming about, mon amour? Sexual tensions?" France asked, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Shouldn't it be who? Kesesese!"

"I wasn't dreaming about anything!" you said defensively, roughly pushing Francis away. If you were in a better mood, you would've made a snide comment back, too, but it was too early and you were not in a good mood.

"I bet it was the awesomeness known as me!" Gilbert called out, ignoring you.

"Quoi?" Francis yelled. "Of course not! She was obviously dreaming about moi, the country of amour!"

"Yeah, right!" Gil sneered. "Everyone knows you're just a smelly pervert! Why would anyone dream about that?"

"What was that?" Francis started yelling again and they started to argue.

You sighed, and let yourself zone out for a second.

Well, nothing new with these two…

You felt the bed shift under you and looked to see Antonio sitting next to you, with a sheepish grin. He was never really involved in his friend's fights; he had learned to not try to break it up a long time ago. He handed you a tissue he must've grabbed off your desk.

"Hola. Gracias." you said, holding the tissue to your bleeding nose.

"Hola, chica," he smiled.

"¿Qué pasa?"

He shrugged. He looked over at his friends before saying, "¿Estan peleando por tí?"

He said it like a question, but you couldn't tell if he was informing you of this or making sure he was correct about what was happening. "Uh… ¿Creo que sí?"

"Oi! Oi! Oi!" France yelled, interrupting your conversation with Toni and cutting short his own argument. "How come you talk to him in Spanish?" he whined.

"Because I don't like French."

"Because she likes me better!"

"Aww, touché," you said to Spain.

France made a loud, whiney "Eh?" noise. You rolled your eyes, shook your head, and sighed heavily.

"Please, mon amour?"



"______, just do it. He'll be hanging on you all day if you don't."

"No! I said no!"


"______, do it!"

"Fine!" you yelled, exasperated. "Bonjour."

"Bonjour!" The Frenchman perked right up.

"Ça va?" you asked moodily. You would only put up with this for as long as you had to.

"Très bien."

"Bien. Okay, I'm done now," you said, turning away from him and standing. "I'm going to go make breakfast," you announced, quickly evacuating your room. Toni and Gil looked at each other while Francis stumbled desperately after you, although they followed to watch the antics France would surely be starting.

"Eh? B-but, ma chérie—"

"¿Podrían callarse y dejar de molestar?" you asked, turning around to face him again. France's expression quickly changed to one of offense and Spain started to snicker. France didn't say anymore, and you turned, continuing your expedition for breakfast.

"Her Spanish is really good, huh?" Toni laughed, hitting a now-sulking Francis on the back. "¡Muy bien, chica!"

You raised a hand in acknowledgement. "Gracias."

"Kesesese!" Prussia laughed at his friend as well. "How does it feel, being shot down?"

Francis mumbled something and the two men laughed again. Prussia came up behind you and wrapped an arm around you shoulder.

"That was a perfect rejection, ______! Oh! Hey, while you're at it, can you say 'Prussia is awesome'?"

You so weren't in the mood for this. "Prus—"

"In German!"

You stared at him coldly for a moment. "…Bratpfanne oder Stielpfanne?"

"W-weder noch…"
So this is another drabble I typed up late at night… The idea for this was playing around in my head since over the summer I woke up with a nosebleed not once, but twice!! Honestly! It was so weird…!!
This drabble is, in part, for my Italy, who’s birthday was this week. She’s a major Prussia fangirl. She’ll probably never find this anyway, but this one goes out to her. Zum Geburtstag veil Glück, Italia! :D

Translations (TOO MANY LANGUAGES! Please tell me if you notice any mistakes. :ohnoes: ) :
Buenos días – Good morning
Quoi? - What?
Moi- Me
Amour - love
Hola – Hi
Gracias - Thanks
Chica - Girl
¿Qué pasa? – What’s up?
Estan peleando por tí – They’re fighting over you
Creo que sí – Yes, I think so
Bonjour - Hello
Ça va? - How's it going?
(Très) bien - (Very) good
Ma chérie - My dear
¿Podrían callarse y dejar de molestar? - Could you shut up and quit being annoying?
Muy bien - Very good
Bratpfanne oder Stielpfanne? – Frying pan or (long-handled) frying pan?
Weder noch - Neither


Ah~... I own nothing, sadly!
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Naomineko-chan's avatar
Me: Nii-chan don't be depressed!!
Je peux te parler en français si tu veux! Reste pas dans un coin comme ça! XC
Francis: Merci ma chérie! *hug*
Antonio: Eh? Puedes hablar español también (name)?
Me: Sí estudió el español desde tres años *see Francis depressed again* mais je suis française donc je parle courament français!!!
Gilbert: idhaudhsiacdofoaualofvaojsvish?
Me: Eh?! I dont understand!
Francis/Antonio: Ohonhonhonhon~/ Fususususu~
Gilbert: *staring at Francis and Antonio with a dark glare*
Me: EH!?